Programme Fair Tomorrow

The Great North West Programme Fair is on Friday 30th December at the Cresta Court Hotel, Church Street, Altrincham from 11am to 3pm. The country’s leading programme dealers will have a huge stock of items for sale. Admission is £1 for adults, schoolchildren free.

Advice will be on hand for those who wish to develop an interest in the hobby, or have items they wish to have valued or sold. This is largest football memorabilia sale outside London each year and is, designed to provide an annual opportunity for football memorabilia buyers to browse through hundreds of thousands of items they may be interested in purchasing.

The Stockport County Appearance Number (SCAN) scheme guardians have a stall at the fair, selling donated County programmes from the 1960s to date to help cover the ongoing costs of the SCAN scheme.

John Litster is the Founding Editor of Programme Monthly magazine & co-organiser of the Great North West Programme Fair. PM Publications website –

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